Thursday, January 11, 2007

Sooners Gutierrez bigger man than I am

It was reported in the Daily Oklahoman that Sooner running back Jacob Gutierrez displayed an act of good will in the face of a verbal assault from a Boise St fan following the Feista Bowl Jan. 1. As the Sooners left the field following the shocking loss an obnoxious Boise St fan was giving Gutierrez and other OU player an ear full. Instead of retaliating with an obscene gesture, Gutierrez offered a handshake."This one guy was yelling at us every time we went through the tunnel and he was there at the end of the game too," Gute explained. "I just went over and shook his hand and congratulated him.(Boise St) played a great game and I wanted to show him what Oklahoma was all about. He was pretty quiet after that."
Jason Matheson, OU's director of internet services witnessed the event. Matheson said other Boise State fans saw the gesture and in turn reached down to slap hands and pat backs of the other OU players.
Stuff like that makes me proud to be an Okie. GUTE YOUR THE MAN.

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