Friday, May 4, 2007


Let me get this straight. The U.S. has laws against people from Mexico coming into America illegally, but has never really enforced them. Right?
Now they want to punish business's that hire these guys. If they dont want us to hire them, how about YOU GUYS enforcing our border laws to keep these illegals out. YOU have failed to do your job, and now are going to place the blame on businesses, make them prove that the guys you let across the border are legal.
I have no problem with rounding up illegal immigrants, make them pay to get legal. Thats what most want to do anyway. The problem is that the hassle of dealing with both our government and the Mexican government, which is corrupt with a capitol C, makes it imposable to get legal, so the easiest thing for them to do is just live here and hope you dont get caught.
America has to watch its borders, but punishing business that employ these people is no way to insure that they wont get across the border, that job is the job of the U.S. government and you have failed miserably.

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