After listening to the reports last week about Michelle Obama's "make over", where the media is trying to make her look less like herself, and more like most of us, I had a thought. She reminds me of someone. I couldn't put my finger on it until later, then it occurred to me.
Omarosa !
I knew I had seen that overbearing bitchy attitude before.
So she has been setting in church listening to the Rev. Wright say" G** d*** America" & talking about how we deserved the attacks from the terrorist on 9/11, and she wants to be the first lady of our great nation? I don't think so. YOUR FIRED !!!
i thought she looked like omarosa too!! especially in that picture you posted up above.
Actually that is Omarosa, I thought it looked like Mrs Obama.
Not only do they look alike, they act alike.
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