Sunday, August 9, 2009

CZARBAMA's healthcare takeover

Well the self appointed czar of socialism, Obama, has decided that it's ok if his socialist supporters organize in the community, but if a group of citizens opposing his socialist agenda organizes, then they are considered "an angry mob". The media, which is his propaganda machine, then spreads the word. Angry Republicans, some caring swastika's and shouting at their congressmen in these town hall meetings are just racist that hate the President. Never mind that not all of the people that attended these meeting are Republicans, and they know it.

The state run media, knows that their President is in trouble, his stimulus package is killing the American economy, the public both democrat and Republican are beginning to see just how bad this guy is for America. They have now told their supporters to go to these town hall meetings and confront conservatives trying to get answers about the health care take over by the government. Even though it means that their own health care in the future will be ruined by a big cumbersome government rationing program, they are still going to support Czarbama. Such fools are the enemy of a free society, and will only be countered by rational people that believe our founding fathers had it right. And that don't believe the government even has the the ability to take care of people that are expecting something for nothing from the government.

The democrats in the Senate have enough power to vote this health care bill through by themselves, they don't need any Republicans to help. But the media is not portraying this as it is. They instead are making this into a story about how Republicans are trying to keep the President from helping poor Americans from receiving the health care that only the government can provide. The truth is, it will all come down to whether or not the democrat congressmen & women vote the way their constituency wants, or vote with Polosi, Reed and the self appointed czar of socialism, CZARBAMA.

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