Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Is laziness a disability?

There's an unwritten rule that certain people can park in front of Walmart. Really! It's true. The next time your there, check it out. I've seen it so many times now that it's halfway expected. A car will pull up along the curb at the front of the store. One or two people will get out and go in, the other guy will just sit there, music thumpin, parked in front of Walmart. Nobody is going to go up to him and tell him to hold it down, or to move. There's a certain amount of entitlement to that parking spot.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not bashing Walmart, or the people that shop there. I are one!
But, someone needs to explain to them, that just because you are in your fuzzy slippers, and your pants wont seem to cover your butt, doesn't entitle you to have your ride just chill, curb side.
I guess it bothers me because, I would never just pull up to the front of the store and kick back and wait for my wife to run in to the store. It says no parking, its a fire lane, so I don't park there. I just drop her off and drive around the parking lot a few thousand times waiting for a spot to come open up at the front.( I cant complain how long it takes, because one time she dropped me off to run into Bass pro shops for couple of things, Nuf said.)
These same slackers park in the handicapped parking too. They know its reserved for people that have special needs. But that don't matter if you got one of them handicap placards. No, these perfectly healthy people hang it around their rear view mirror, and its like a parking pass for dead beats.
These folks are just plain lazy, and they feel entitled to be that way. It wont be long before some liberal special interest group tries to claim laziness is a disability.

Friday, May 4, 2007


Let me get this straight. The U.S. has laws against people from Mexico coming into America illegally, but has never really enforced them. Right?
Now they want to punish business's that hire these guys. If they dont want us to hire them, how about YOU GUYS enforcing our border laws to keep these illegals out. YOU have failed to do your job, and now are going to place the blame on businesses, make them prove that the guys you let across the border are legal.
I have no problem with rounding up illegal immigrants, make them pay to get legal. Thats what most want to do anyway. The problem is that the hassle of dealing with both our government and the Mexican government, which is corrupt with a capitol C, makes it imposable to get legal, so the easiest thing for them to do is just live here and hope you dont get caught.
America has to watch its borders, but punishing business that employ these people is no way to insure that they wont get across the border, that job is the job of the U.S. government and you have failed miserably.
Ring ID #: 497