Friday, June 8, 2007

This is my country.

That's right. And you politicians have to answer to us, the folks that have loaned you the power to speak for us. I will not forget the one's that tried to cram an immigration bill that amounted to amnesty down the throats of the American public. But guess what. We the people spoke up.We said NO! We said HECK NO! So now all the Republicans that voted for this amnesty bill can be targeted and removed from office. Lets replace them with conservative Republicans. I don't know who is more shocked, Paris Hilton, being put in jail, or our Senate being forced to vote for what we, the American people want.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Is laziness a disability?

There's an unwritten rule that certain people can park in front of Walmart. Really! It's true. The next time your there, check it out. I've seen it so many times now that it's halfway expected. A car will pull up along the curb at the front of the store. One or two people will get out and go in, the other guy will just sit there, music thumpin, parked in front of Walmart. Nobody is going to go up to him and tell him to hold it down, or to move. There's a certain amount of entitlement to that parking spot.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not bashing Walmart, or the people that shop there. I are one!
But, someone needs to explain to them, that just because you are in your fuzzy slippers, and your pants wont seem to cover your butt, doesn't entitle you to have your ride just chill, curb side.
I guess it bothers me because, I would never just pull up to the front of the store and kick back and wait for my wife to run in to the store. It says no parking, its a fire lane, so I don't park there. I just drop her off and drive around the parking lot a few thousand times waiting for a spot to come open up at the front.( I cant complain how long it takes, because one time she dropped me off to run into Bass pro shops for couple of things, Nuf said.)
These same slackers park in the handicapped parking too. They know its reserved for people that have special needs. But that don't matter if you got one of them handicap placards. No, these perfectly healthy people hang it around their rear view mirror, and its like a parking pass for dead beats.
These folks are just plain lazy, and they feel entitled to be that way. It wont be long before some liberal special interest group tries to claim laziness is a disability.

Friday, May 4, 2007


Let me get this straight. The U.S. has laws against people from Mexico coming into America illegally, but has never really enforced them. Right?
Now they want to punish business's that hire these guys. If they dont want us to hire them, how about YOU GUYS enforcing our border laws to keep these illegals out. YOU have failed to do your job, and now are going to place the blame on businesses, make them prove that the guys you let across the border are legal.
I have no problem with rounding up illegal immigrants, make them pay to get legal. Thats what most want to do anyway. The problem is that the hassle of dealing with both our government and the Mexican government, which is corrupt with a capitol C, makes it imposable to get legal, so the easiest thing for them to do is just live here and hope you dont get caught.
America has to watch its borders, but punishing business that employ these people is no way to insure that they wont get across the border, that job is the job of the U.S. government and you have failed miserably.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Democrats surrender to terrorists

Well I guess the war is over for the Democrats. Today, the brilliant Democratic Senator Harry Reed announced that the war is lost. So it's official, the Democrats have lost two wars in a row. First the Vietnam war, and now the war on terrorism. Mean while the rest of the country will have to continue on without them. Yes the Democratic party has abandoned our Military and our Nation while we are engaged in a war against an enemy determined to kill us all. So, from this day on, " April 19, 2007." You Democrats will be responsible if we get attacked again. Your unwillingness to protect our country is sickening. People of America Say your prayers.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Global BS

I just saw a report on the local weather concerning global warming. I hate to be the one to bring you this shocking news, but here goes.

Hurricane season this year as a result of global warming.

Scenario # 1. Warmer oceans will create many severe hurricanes this year.
Scenario # 2. Wind shear will keep hurricanes from forming.

Yes, it's shocking, I know, but try to be brave. By the way. Can I be a scientist? That job seems so easy. Here let me show you.

simple okie's scientific forecast for OU football.

Scenario # 1. OU will go undefeated and win the National title.
Scenario # 2. OU will lose a game, maybe more.

Go ahead, try and prove us scientists wrong.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Imus a uniter

Don Imus has done more to unite blacks across the nation in one day, than the reverends Sharpton and Jackson have in their lives. He lit a fire under the tails of the "black leaders". And man did they jump. The whole world knew about the movement, that Imus's comments set in motion. Then these two snake oil salesmen Jackson/Sharpton jumped in to push it to the limit. They really didn't even need to.
Common sense tells most people that you shouldn't call those gals nappy headed ho's. But Don Imus has to entertain people. So he says and does outrageous things. But the reaction to it has been laughable. Snoop dog explaining why he can call his bitches, ho's, but Imus cant, was a great moment in black history. Rev. Sharpton got so caught up in the lime light that he said he was going to clean up the language in rap music. OK Al, lay down the megaphone and slowly back away. You would have a better chance of making black guys pull up their pants. Good luck

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

American Idol, my take

Been a long time since my last post. New jobs will do that to you, I guess. I have been able to watch American Idol though, and here is my take on whats happening.
The best singer is Melinda Doolittle, you know the one that acts like she has never been told she is good before. That act is getting very old, but she can sing. Next is Lakisha, she has a very big body and a voice that is even bigger. She's very talented but she never takes the advice of the featured artist that works with the idols. Guess she think they aint all that. 3rd is Jordan, very talented 17 yr old. I hope she wins, but I doubt she will.
After that the field drops off quickly. Chris Richardson is good, Brian Lewis is good, they will make a living singing probably, but cant win. The other guy, Phil Stacy, is good too. But he cant win either.
Then theres Haley. She can sing a little, but she is eye candy, thats her true talent . Nothin wrong with that, guy are voting for her because they want to see what she wears next week. Gina, the "rocker" has had her moments, but come on. Diana Ross tried to tell her that she needed to enunciate on the song she did that week. In other words, YOU CANT SING WORTH A CRAP WITH A TONGUE PIERCING. nBut nshe nstill nkeeps non ntrying nto nsing nwith nit nin!! Ny Ny Nina.
Then there's Sanjaya. He just plain sucks. But people, who ever they are, keep voting for him.
Good for him, except that he will always be known as the Idol that sucked, but everyone voted for. You know Simon and them hate him but they cant keep people from voting for him. I wonder if the show would pay him off to quit, they may have to if he keeps on surviving. I think its bad karma on Simon for telling that one guy he looks like a monkey.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Our military under Democrat rule

With the Democrats defunding the war, like they did in Vietnam, it wont be long until our great military will be like the French Army in this video. You got to see this. - Funny Pics, Hot Chicks, & Cool Flicks

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Dixie Chicks win Gore 2nd again

Wow, how much do the voters of the Grammys hate George Bush? So much that they are willing to ruin the credibility of their award by bending over frontwards for "Bush haters". Yes, if you are in need of a Grammy, it is common knowledge that there is one sure way to be considered worthy. Do some hating on George W Bush, and your chances have just increased 10 fold. Oh no, don't worry, if your a country music band that has been shunned by your peers. The fact that your recent concerts were called off, because no one would buy a ticket means nothing. The fact that no country music radio stations will play your music is a good thing. That only makes you more likely to win a Grammy. Dixie Chicks, you have just relegated your selves to obscurity. You are now a pariah in the country music scene. Say good by to Nashville and hello to Hollywood. Now you are now firmly implanted in the left wing. Don't worry, you will always have the Democratic convention to play for.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007


I walked in to a Starbucks the other day to get me some of that coffee everybody is so crazy for.I mean this has got to be some great stuff. One cup of their coffee cost more than a lb. of coffee at the grocery store, so naturally I was expecting it to be the bomb.
I love coffee. Really I do. Unfortunately I couldn't find any there at Starbucks. They had hid it all behind some frilly french sounding names that I couldn't pronounce. As I gazed at the menu on the wall I felt all eyes on me. Oh crap, I dont even see the word coffee on the dang thing. I did manage to figure out that cafe mocha latte was some sort of coffee before total embarrassment set in.
I knew I was a fish out of water when I saw the guy behind the counter. He looked like he had just come from a peace rally. You know the type, more brain than brawn. In touch with his feminine side. I know when he took a look at me he had to chuckle inside, kind of like I would have if Id seen him down at the bait shop buying shad gizzards.
So before I was outed as a total redneck I blurted out "1 grande cafe mocha latte". For you unrefined idgets, that means "1 medium coffee with some of that chocolate stuff in it".
Well it was pretty good, and I got to walk around with this cup in my hand like I was one of the elite coffee drinkers. I aint going to settle for no 99 cent cup from 7-11, no way, I was cool.
Cool and broke. Man no wonder those Starbucks are springing up on every corner, I felt like I'd finally arrived. Im going to hang on to that cup, thats a powerful feeling man.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Eddie Sutton

I find it odd that Eddie Sutton, as quoted in the Daily Oklahoman, said. "Nothing wrong with drinking, if you know when to stop. You have to have some dicipline. But you must understand, there is a danger there." Nothing wrong with drinking? That doesnt sound like a guy that has come to grips with the fact that he has a problem. He seemed to be saying, its ok if I drink if I could just learn when to stop. Eddie is a good man, a great basketball coach, and a hero to a lot of people at OSU. I dont think he's a sober man though with those kind of statements.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Lake Hefner

I was wondering. And since I'm the only one who reads this thing I guess I was wondering to my self. I wondered, self? With the lake down so low right now, wouldn't it be a good time to put some structure in the lake to benefit the population of bass in there? I was by there and went down and walked around a little. Man there are some places that just beg for some sort of structure to be added. Now the water is flowing in from Canton Lake and the opportunity will be lost . Whats up Okla. Dept. of Wildlife?

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Bass Fishing Forums - Remarkable Obituary

Bass Fishing Forums - Remarkable Obituary

Hillary=Tanya Harding

Remember when Tanya Harding had a thug knee cap Nancy Kerrigan ? It was before a big competition and Tanya wanted to make sure she would win. So the best thing for her to do, since she probably wasn't as talented as Nancy was to beat her up. Well Hillary Clinton is the new Tanya Harding. She has unleashed the Hilbillary gang on one of her opponents in the race for the White House. Poor old Barack Obama, even though he had been anointed by the media as the next President, he is in for a very rough ride . Courtesy of the Clintons. Its a good thing he's Muslim/Catholic/& Christian, he will need Mohammad/Mary/ & Jesus to combat the Hilbillary gang.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Isaiah Washington needs help

Isaiah Washington is to check into a treatment center because he called his gay co-worker a faggot. Now I don't think its OK to call gay people faggots, but do you really need to seek treatment? No! He is only afraid that the backlash of not being tolerant of a lifestyle that's flaunted, even praised, in Hollywood will hurt his career. Plain and simple. Yes Mr. Washington needs help. He needs to drop his pants and check if he still has any balls. Maybe his co-worker will volunteer to do it for him.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Idiot super glues sunglasses to head !!

Oh yeah, I still have a hunk of scalp and hair stuck on them. I don't recommend it at all. You may wonder how in the world does a guy get his sunglasses glued to his head, is this an episode of jackass? No. I like a strap on my shades so I can take them off and not lose, sit on, step on, or generally damage them. So where the strap slips over the end of the glasses was tearing. No prob. I got super glue. I applied the stuff to the end of the earpieces and to the rubber sock that slips over the end. whoops, a little too much, but that's OK, it wont hurt anything. I set them down in the garage as I loaded my truck for work. That took about 10 minutes. Long enough right? No! Not quite. Later that day when I tried to take them off I was in for a surprise. Just above my left ear the dang things were stuck and stuck good. So as I saw it there was only one thing to do, tear them off. Ouch ! Took a hunk out of my head. That's a funny feeling prying you glasses off the side of your head. One I wont soon forget.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

That aint snow

Ice scare 07 didn't hit us too bad but it sure hit hard around McAlister. Those folks are without power and its cold. Single digits at night. There's another one on the way with 6-8" of snow expected. I started clearing the ice from my walk & driveway some yesterday. I showed Tanner how to do it, then let him finish. He wasn't very fired up about that. It took him several hours because he farted around. That stuff was hard to get off. I went over to my folks house and finished off their driveway. It took a couple of hours. I'm going to be sore.

Longar Longar, the OU center that was suspended after elbowing a player from Texas Tech, finally gets back on the court Saturday. His suspension was a farce. I saw the tape of the thing, he was facing the guy out around the 3 pt line. Longar caught a pass, the guy faced up on him, almost in the same motion as catching the ball, he swung his elbows. You will see it in every game this season. It is a fundamental that is taught to all ball players. To protect the ball you need to hold the ball with two hands, elbows out. Then swing you elbows, the defender will either back off, or get clanked by an elbow. Bobby Knight just scared the big 12 folks into penalizing Longar just because he can. He knows Longar didn't do it on purpose, he's seen him on tape, he's as far from aggressive as he can be. Bobby Knight is a bully and a jerk. I feel sorry for his family. I hope we thump them when they come to OU. I want to see Bobby get some T's called on him.

Sunday, January 14, 2007


Ice scare '07 was a huge success. Yes, everybody was thrown into hysteria when the local weather men said we were to get between 1-2 inches of ICE. Untold thousands set at home now with bookoo bread, bottled water, and candles. But the weather men had it wrong. Oh I know. surprise! surprise! We did get frozen drizzle, but not much. So save the water for HEAT WAVE '07 . The candles you can use after the transformers blow up from the heat. And for all y'all that bought 5 loaves of bread, I hope you enjoy all those sandwiches. Yum-yum sandwiches, sandwiches, all day long.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Ice storm cometh !

Well here we go again, they say a huge ice storm will hit okc by this evening and coat everything in an inch or two of ice. So Im sure (if they are right) we will lose power, like we did a few years ago. I hope they are wrong because its supposed to be in the single digits for the next coule of days.Nothing like camping out in your house while your wearing half the clothes you own to stay warm.Since Caley just had surgery Dave said we should call og&e and tell them, they will make our house a priority. I hope it doesnt come to that. The last time it was off for several days. Oh what fun.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Democrats strive for higher unemployment

Well the democrats struck another blow for the little man. Yes, as promised by their brave leader Ms Pelosi, the dems have now succeeded in adding to the list of unemployed. Do you really think that business's will just take the hit? No! Prices will have to go up. Hour worked will be reduced. All in an effort to garner vote from the underprivileged working class the dems try to claim as their constituency. All they really have done is managed to get some of them laid off or fired. Then they will blame the unemployment increase on their arch enemy George Bush.

Sooners Gutierrez bigger man than I am

It was reported in the Daily Oklahoman that Sooner running back Jacob Gutierrez displayed an act of good will in the face of a verbal assault from a Boise St fan following the Feista Bowl Jan. 1. As the Sooners left the field following the shocking loss an obnoxious Boise St fan was giving Gutierrez and other OU player an ear full. Instead of retaliating with an obscene gesture, Gutierrez offered a handshake."This one guy was yelling at us every time we went through the tunnel and he was there at the end of the game too," Gute explained. "I just went over and shook his hand and congratulated him.(Boise St) played a great game and I wanted to show him what Oklahoma was all about. He was pretty quiet after that."
Jason Matheson, OU's director of internet services witnessed the event. Matheson said other Boise State fans saw the gesture and in turn reached down to slap hands and pat backs of the other OU players.
Stuff like that makes me proud to be an Okie. GUTE YOUR THE MAN.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

In the beginning

Wow! blogging! what a cool way to unload random thoughts about random stuff. I feel a little odd about all of this. I'm no writer, It just seems to me that I have a very simplistic way of looking at the most complex things. And I kind of want a record of the crazy thing that occur to me. I may live to regret this, but that's OK too. It wont be the first time that has happened. So, since I haven't really read a lot of other peoples blogs I have no idea if this is an appropriate way to begin. But its good enough for me.
Ring ID #: 497