Saturday, January 27, 2007

Hillary=Tanya Harding

Remember when Tanya Harding had a thug knee cap Nancy Kerrigan ? It was before a big competition and Tanya wanted to make sure she would win. So the best thing for her to do, since she probably wasn't as talented as Nancy was to beat her up. Well Hillary Clinton is the new Tanya Harding. She has unleashed the Hilbillary gang on one of her opponents in the race for the White House. Poor old Barack Obama, even though he had been anointed by the media as the next President, he is in for a very rough ride . Courtesy of the Clintons. Its a good thing he's Muslim/Catholic/& Christian, he will need Mohammad/Mary/ & Jesus to combat the Hilbillary gang.


Brother Tim said...

Man this is to good

Unknown said...

lol, so fitting...

Funny parody that compares Hillary and Tonya..

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