Thursday, April 19, 2007

Democrats surrender to terrorists

Well I guess the war is over for the Democrats. Today, the brilliant Democratic Senator Harry Reed announced that the war is lost. So it's official, the Democrats have lost two wars in a row. First the Vietnam war, and now the war on terrorism. Mean while the rest of the country will have to continue on without them. Yes the Democratic party has abandoned our Military and our Nation while we are engaged in a war against an enemy determined to kill us all. So, from this day on, " April 19, 2007." You Democrats will be responsible if we get attacked again. Your unwillingness to protect our country is sickening. People of America Say your prayers.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Global BS

I just saw a report on the local weather concerning global warming. I hate to be the one to bring you this shocking news, but here goes.

Hurricane season this year as a result of global warming.

Scenario # 1. Warmer oceans will create many severe hurricanes this year.
Scenario # 2. Wind shear will keep hurricanes from forming.

Yes, it's shocking, I know, but try to be brave. By the way. Can I be a scientist? That job seems so easy. Here let me show you.

simple okie's scientific forecast for OU football.

Scenario # 1. OU will go undefeated and win the National title.
Scenario # 2. OU will lose a game, maybe more.

Go ahead, try and prove us scientists wrong.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Imus a uniter

Don Imus has done more to unite blacks across the nation in one day, than the reverends Sharpton and Jackson have in their lives. He lit a fire under the tails of the "black leaders". And man did they jump. The whole world knew about the movement, that Imus's comments set in motion. Then these two snake oil salesmen Jackson/Sharpton jumped in to push it to the limit. They really didn't even need to.
Common sense tells most people that you shouldn't call those gals nappy headed ho's. But Don Imus has to entertain people. So he says and does outrageous things. But the reaction to it has been laughable. Snoop dog explaining why he can call his bitches, ho's, but Imus cant, was a great moment in black history. Rev. Sharpton got so caught up in the lime light that he said he was going to clean up the language in rap music. OK Al, lay down the megaphone and slowly back away. You would have a better chance of making black guys pull up their pants. Good luck

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

American Idol, my take

Been a long time since my last post. New jobs will do that to you, I guess. I have been able to watch American Idol though, and here is my take on whats happening.
The best singer is Melinda Doolittle, you know the one that acts like she has never been told she is good before. That act is getting very old, but she can sing. Next is Lakisha, she has a very big body and a voice that is even bigger. She's very talented but she never takes the advice of the featured artist that works with the idols. Guess she think they aint all that. 3rd is Jordan, very talented 17 yr old. I hope she wins, but I doubt she will.
After that the field drops off quickly. Chris Richardson is good, Brian Lewis is good, they will make a living singing probably, but cant win. The other guy, Phil Stacy, is good too. But he cant win either.
Then theres Haley. She can sing a little, but she is eye candy, thats her true talent . Nothin wrong with that, guy are voting for her because they want to see what she wears next week. Gina, the "rocker" has had her moments, but come on. Diana Ross tried to tell her that she needed to enunciate on the song she did that week. In other words, YOU CANT SING WORTH A CRAP WITH A TONGUE PIERCING. nBut nshe nstill nkeeps non ntrying nto nsing nwith nit nin!! Ny Ny Nina.
Then there's Sanjaya. He just plain sucks. But people, who ever they are, keep voting for him.
Good for him, except that he will always be known as the Idol that sucked, but everyone voted for. You know Simon and them hate him but they cant keep people from voting for him. I wonder if the show would pay him off to quit, they may have to if he keeps on surviving. I think its bad karma on Simon for telling that one guy he looks like a monkey.
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