Monday, August 10, 2009

It's the media's fault.

It’s the media’s fault. People are hearing from their friend’s and through talk radio and possibly Fox news that the health care plan is going to ruin the present form of health care, free market health care. Mean while the media, the main stream, or “state run” media continues to push the Obama agenda. Hurry, hurry, we gota pass this health care plan now! People are skeptical. What’s the big hurry? Is it because they want it to be passed before you know what is really in it? If the state run media was really doing it’s job of reporting to the American people the facts about this bill, the concerned and pissed off folks wouldn’t confront the Senators at their town halls. Instead, the media is just a part of the Obama propaganda machine, they are responsible for not bringing the info to the people, which is exactly why the internet, conservative talk radio, and Fox News, who have been warning the public, truly doing the job media is supposed to do, will continue to put a butt whippin on the state run media. More and more people are tuning to conservative talk radio, the internet, and Fox News and turning off the main stream media they used to trust, because they realize that they won’t get the whole story from them. Only what Obama wants you to know.

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